We reached 500 responses already!
April 2021 Great news! More than 500 teachers have already responded our survey! We will keep the survey open for longer to collect even more
April 2021 Great news! More than 500 teachers have already responded our survey! We will keep the survey open for longer to collect even more
March 2021 The project team, under the leadership of Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, is prototyping for the solution, which will become the virtual environment of
February 2021 As part of the Intellectual output 1 of our project, we designed a survey to investigate the use of research by teachers (in secondary
November 2020 The consortium met online, due to COVID-19 travel restrictions, for the kick-off meeting of the project. The agenda of the meeting was the
October 2020 Please join our journey to improve students’ equity and inclusion through the use of evidence-informed practices. In this website you will find information about our project,
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission and has been approved by the Spanish National Agency. The information in this website reflects the views only of the project partners, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.